Eco-Friendly Alternatives for the Office

Transform your office into an Eco-Frendly workplace that drives change.

Many business owners aspire to make their companies more eco-friendly but often find it challenging to know where to begin. The good news is that there are numerous impactful ways to contribute to a greener planet. However, questions about where to focus, the costs involved, and how to engage employees in sustainability efforts often arise. To simplify this journey, start with one actionable item today. By taking this first step, you can begin transforming your company into a forward-thinking, environmentally conscious organization. This approach not only minimizes your ecological footprint but also fosters a culture of sustainability within your team.

Let’s start with a simple way for a business to cut down on paper consumption and see immediate results. Start by transforming your office into a paperless powerhouse. Leverage document storage servers and cutting-edge collaboration software to drastically cut your paper consumption. Why print when you can innovate? A paperless office helps the environment by reducing the number of trees that are harvested each year to satisfy the high-demand for paper products. There are many options for document storage and collaboration. You can choose to invest in an on-premise solution or a cloud based solution. For help with deciding on what solution will work for your business, Corporation Associates Consulting On-Demand will help you decide.

Next, when your office needs to print, make a conscious choice to invest in recycled paper. This is your opportunity to lead by example and make a tangible impact on the environment. While many companies recycle paper after use, they still purchase new paper without any recycled content. Close the loop by recycling your paper; then, take it a step further by committing to purchasing print and copy paper made from recycled paper materials.

Now let’s explore another area that your business can address. Plastic is a rising environmental threat that we can no longer ignore. While its lightweight and robust nature is tempting, plastic comes with severe downsides. First, microplastics are infiltrating our bodies, animals, and aquatic life, posing significant health risks. Second, plastics take an exorbitant amount of time to decompose. Imagine a single plastic sandwich bag lingering for up to 1000 years in a landfill. The good news? We have alternative materials that can significantly reduce our environmental footprint. Let’s dive into these game-changing options.

For medium to large businesses, revolutionize your break rooms by installing dishwashers and providing employees with metal flatware and multi-use, eco-friendly plates. Say goodbye to plastic waste clogging up landfills! While this approach requires an investment in a dishwashers and integrating dish washing into janitorial duties, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Reusable dishware consumes significantly less energy and resources over its lifetime. Consider opting for reusable, BPA-free Bamboo plates. They're dishwasher safe and an excellent sustainable choice. Just remember, not all are suited for oven or microwave use. Make the bold move towards a greener future today.

Another option to consider is switching to compostable plates and cutlery for a sustainable edge. Compostable products cater to various needs, from hot drink cups to cold drink cups, and plates. By opting for single-use compostable cutlery, you ditch plastic and embrace eco-friendliness. Encourage employees to dispose of these items in compost collection bins, not the trash. Implementing a composting program requires subscribing to a commercial composting facility to handle the entire process. While disposing compostable products in landfills generally takes 100 years to decompose, they still significantly reduce plastic pollution. Evaluate your business needs and make the bold move towards a greener future.

Many offices provide employees with chilled bottled water, promoting health but generating plastic waste. A more sustainable alternative is to offer each employee a reusable drinking bottle which can easily be filled at water stations or refrigerators. For larger businesses, installing filtered water dispensers that chill water is a practical solution. Smaller offices might find refrigerators with built-in chilled water dispensers more suitable. Alternatively, filtered water pitchers in the fridge offer a simple, eco-friendly option. These strategies not only maintain employee hydration but also significantly reduce plastic waste, making your office greener and more responsible.

Now for some small stuff, but it all adds up. Ditch plastic trash bags and switch to eco-friendly alternatives. Compostable bags crafted from plant materials like plant starch, are completely free of plastic and toxins. They're not just a smart choice; they're a game-changer. Unlike flimsy plastic bags that tear and pollute, these heavy-duty compostable options boast an ultra-light ecological footprint. When your trash heads to the landfill, these bags won't contaminate the soil like plastic does. It's time for every business to step up and invest in eco-friendly solutions to slash their environmental impact.

Lastly, let's dive into office cleaning products and their safer alternatives. Traditional commercial cleaners often contain harmful chemicals like VOCs, chlorine, lye, or ammonia, which can irritate your eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Switch to green cleaning products and drastically cut down on health risks and environmental damage. Remember, regular use of harsh commercial cleaning products release toxic substances into the environment through evaporation and rinsing contaminated surfaces, cleaning rags, and sponges that were used for scrubbing. Many of the ingredients in commercial products break down slowly. In addition, you will find that there are ingredients that will form a more toxic chemical that pose a serious threat to aquatic life. Make the smart choice, go green and protect both people and the planet.

In closing, when you manage an office, there are choices that you can make to help your business reduce it’s impact on the environment. Begin with going paperless as much as possible. Your effort will save tree’s, in addition to other resources needed to produce the paper. Next, consider purchasing recycled paper for those times that you need to print. Next, switch to reusable dishware for your break room. If you would rather opt for disposable cups, plates, and cutlery, look for eco-friendly options first. As you look to hire a janitorial service, or as you create an in-house cleaning process, look to purchase environmentally friendly trash bags and cleaning solutions. Your efforts will be part of a bigger movement that combined add-up over time contributing to a healthier planet.